Facing 2020

I have a six-year-old son. Sometimes, at night, he gets upset as he is trying to nod off to sleep. Feelings of loneliness, fears of insecurities, things that could be, things that will be, all flood to his mind. In the dark, in a room alone, it can be too much. In trying to comfort him, I was reminded of the story of David and Goliath. 

This story, is of a well prepared young man, who is secure in his faith, walking onto a field to face a giant. This is a wonderful story of God’s faithfulness and a boy’s bravery.  However, this was no inexperienced, incapable young man. This boy had faced bears, lions, storms, droughts and uncertainties of all types as a shepherd. Each of these experiences better prepared him for the great conflicts to come. David’s life, work, heritage and faith, were all incrementally building within him the capacity to be great. His bravery and confidence weren’t built in that moment, it was built day by day, facing continuous challenges while being rooted in a faith in God. 

As my little boy struggles in this season to find sleep, to find his bravery, to face the uncertain thoughts of the future, my instruction to him is firsttrust God; I’ve told him each night, before he pleads for deliverance from the fears, to offer thanks for all the good things God as provided. Make an exhaustive list and give thanks. We worship the God who has created all things, who holds all things together, who has eternally rescued us through Jesus and holds our future. In pouring ourselves into thanksgiving, the uncertainty of who is providing will vanish into the background. Fight the uncertainty by recognizing the things in which you are certain. 

The truth is, the instructions I give to my little boy is wisdom I work hard to cling to myself. If you are anything like me, age hasn’t eliminated the fears of the uncertain future. The moments of insecurities, doubt and fear can be just as powerful as they were for us as children. The difference, however, is experience, incremental bravery that has been built through years of facing the bears and lions, storms, droughts and daily uncertainties, while being rooted in a faith in God.

As 2019 wraps up, some of you may have had a great year… a season of plenty. For others, the year might have been one of difficulty and you might be facing days of uncertainty. Your rest isn’t coming easy. In both cases, I pray that we, as the body of Christ might lift prayers of gratefulness to our Savior. We have been given so much. May we never forget. And with grateful, confident, brave hearts, step onto the field to face the giants. 

May your 2020 be Blessed and Fruitful, 


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